
About Stacey DeGiulio

Former Palm Beach County Public Defender for 4+ years, Florida Bar Member 2003, Member of the Federal Bar for the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Member of the Federal Bar for the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida, Member of the Bankruptcy Bar Association for the Southern District of Florida, Graduate of Touro Law Center, Cum Laude

If you’ve been wronged on a civil level

If you’ve been wronged on a civil level I will use my skills to help you fight for justice. This is a very broad topic. What are some of your civil issues? I can answer your questions to blog on more specific issues!!

By |September 14th, 2016|Civil Litigation|Comments Off on If you’ve been wronged on a civil level

I can negotiate with your creditors to give you a debt free life costing you as little as possible.

I can negotiate with your creditors to give you a debt free life costing you as little as possible.

You may hear from many lawyers that they can most likely get your credit card lawsuit dismissed. That is not near as common as these lawyers make it sound. These credit card companies, even third party debt […]

By |September 14th, 2016|Debt Negotiation|Comments Off on I can negotiate with your creditors to give you a debt free life costing you as little as possible.

Your Student Loan Debt could be cancelled!!!!

Since 2015 debt relief claims poured in to the Department of Education! Most of these were for undergraduate degrees, but this may be spreading and people in many professions could wind up with the chance to relieve themselves of the burden that simply working hard to try to improve their lives and be a productive […]

By |September 10th, 2016|Student Loans|Comments Off on Your Student Loan Debt could be cancelled!!!!

Securitization of Student Loans

Securitization of Student Loans
The student loan industry consists of a complex combination of lenders, servicers, and guarantors. The process can be described as follows:
1) A consumer takes a loan out from an original lender
(The source of the actual funds)
2) Then there is the company that interacts with you and sends you your monthly bills which is […]

By |September 10th, 2016|Student Loans|Comments Off on Securitization of Student Loans